47 days to 64…livin’ the dream…

I cannot believe how much I seem to have…….is it because I’ve taken a dive into training?….Staying active…..yesterday’s run and strength training was amazing, I felt so good and positive afterwards….the run felt great, even Holy Hill…and the I bopped into the gym, and even the hardest weghts felt good…

and then today….and morning of spin and a little strength training, very little, I just had a few minutes to kill before the spin class…

so did some arms, and then time to ride….I did a little more standing on the peddles than my knees liked, but 45 minutes of feeling great…..I need more of that…..it just clicked, and the morning felt so good….positive….

The tonight…..hit the streets and trails with our night Run Club….

Tonight’s run was also fun….under the stars…thought we were a little quicker, but it felt so good…….

Hopefully I can keep this going…..tomorrow the weather’s supposed to change, getting colder……but, well, I’ve some spare time, gotta make everyone of those 47 days count.


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