Rest and Recovery day….

so yeah, my Saturdays have become that day…

yep, kick back and watching TV, listening to music, and recovering….

it’s been a good week, just checked my schedule, and am now officially no longer retail, actually unemployed.

but that’s okay…..the 4 hours a week I didn’t really need….I’m still involved with the Running Room, just not selling shoes…, yeah, recovering and thinking….

the week did kind of catch up with me. ran, swam, pumped iron, spun in a spin class….finished off instructing yet another clinic, made a few hopefully great family meals……

thinking isn’t always a great thing, but, well, it was nice to get caught up on things…eating, feet up and stretching a bit…I skipped the foam roller and yoga thing, but still, all good……

Somedays, this rest and recovery thing is hard to stick to….I actually thought of a run this morning, and when I hit the sack last night, I figured why not….but this morning the legs said not today…slept in, ate and drank constantly…..lots of H2O…..

I’m still kind of trying to process this not being at the store, and losing that morning of socializing…I liked that part, matching shoes to customers…..and just being a part of something……..but, more time at the gym, so that’ll be the social part of my life…

Life I guess is a process, being a senior and retired……a learning process, aging parents and kids, live and learn….and carry on.

I have goals, plans……and hopefully, life does go on….

One thought on “Rest and Recovery day….

  1. Yes, friend despite our retirement life must go on. By the way, you seem to be a very active person. I just do walking exercise twice a week. All my activities mostly are household chores. And of course blogging for brain exercise.😊

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