A Run Club Run. Leading the group

So we got soaked tonight….rained cats and dogs……….

But all good…..the Run Club seems to be getting back together…..ever since the COVID shut down, well we’d broken up…slowly though, things are getting back, some have taken a while, and some are starting from scratch….so not a problem…and all good

It’s just gotta be fun….or at least enjoyable….a couple of our group hadn’t run at all for a while, maybe long walks…and few just wanted an easy run with a marathon just a week and a half away….so broke everything down into a Warren 1 and 1s…sometimes a 2 and 1, sometimes a little more…promised a 4K, so that worked,,,,,

one crew went to the hills and then well, down hill, our hard core speedsters, I mapped out a route for them to keep them happy….all good they, and a few weren’t surprised when I missed a turn, and we ended up with a bit of cross country, a bit of mud, and yep, very wet running shoes and wet.

And once the rain came down, well, we just kept running…..the group gets it, and yeah, running through a downpour alone actually does suck…

Yep, a quicker evening fits into my training, but big deal, I got some fitness out of tonight, the group got some benefit….and I can hot the trails tomorrow……all good

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