Some Days you just don’t run. Rest days

Yeah, so May 1986 on Maui….scary, scary times. Maui is such a cool place…Lahaina, so laid back a beautiful. Some day it’ll be back, we’ll be back…but will it be the same?

It’s Hawaii… wasn’t just the weather or the ocean, it was the people, the places, that vib….and yes the surf, the food….

So today…not running…some days you need that break, that rest day…some days that means nothin’!

Some days active rest, do something that isn’t repetitive high impact, so no pounding the pavement…or hard packed dirt…, hop on the bike and ride around the neighborhood for about 20K….

It’s a sunny warm day, a sometimes just stretching the legs calms the head..

Running should never be just running…it should be everything. Yes, running is easier…a pair of shoes really is all you need…yes, the right technical clothing, a cap, some hydration…..biking, swimming, whatever, a little more involved…a well rounded athlete/runner…

Sure, if you’ve an event coming up, focus on that….but, don’t forget to make used of everything else….an well rounded athlete makes a better runner, and a stronger runner…endurance is the key ingredient, fitness yes, but the other things all add up to a better, um, runner….

Tomorrow will be complete rest….I’m home with my daughter, a lot of yard and house work (laundry) to do…and family bonding stuff…..and rest. A half marathon just over a week away…while I’m still going to train, I’m looking at that 21.1 something kilometre as part of the final goal, part of the training…..the plan…but I still have to get through it, so a minor taper…eat, rest, train, relax, and then run 13 miles….

I’ve been stuck to the news from Maui for the past few days, the ride helped get me away from that…….

good night Maui

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