Learned a lot about Barbie World today..

okay, so I swore I wouldn’t, but, well…a daughter…

and serioulsy, it’s pretty good. Funny, well done…..am I allowed to say I like it?

I like weird things..but this was almost at some point a documentry..a little Barbie history lesson at some point, the good and awful about Barbie……a pretty powerful ending…

I don’t, and have never downhill skied… but I look towards a lot of things to inspire me..and this vid has…wow….a fun story, and the visuals are incredible…..

A great evening run in the dark under a full moon with our Run Club crew….

12 of us, actually 12 and a 1/2..one of the crew brought along his daughter for some of the fun…

We covered about 6K…..I’d forgot my headlamp, so had to share other’s spotlights, and well, hope!

Loved it, we have a variety of paces, but because I sometimes make the routes a bit of a challenge to follow sometimes, the faster have to wait for me and the slower runners to catch up, I’m usually in-between the two groups…keep those ahead on course, and making sure those behind to stay in contact….and we all finish at the same place….

A good day, a day that ends with a run is always good…..now to try to fall asleep

One thought on “Learned a lot about Barbie World today..

  1. We watched Barbie a little while ago and loved it. Like you said, it’s very well made and even though it’s so funny it still has a very deep message.

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