why do I like fireplaces and waterfalls?

KInd of a wasted day…chopped wood for our fireplace, cleaned up the garage, did some reminicing, caught up on my blogging universe, and now chilling in front of rewatching close encounters of the third kind (getting back in touch with my 60s and 70s lately for some reason)…and got the fireplace going…

Gotta admit, chopping a cord of wood is a pretty great workout…..I kind of love it…usually just enough for a good fire at a time, but yeah, an evening of TV in front of an blazing fire, really relaxing..

For some reason I can’t find one now, but everywhere I go, if there’s a waterfall I take a ton of pictures…maybe fewer when I was using digital, but I’ll stop on a busy highway, walk up through the bush, just to see that waterfall up close, and take those photos….

Lately, or a while ago, I was into taking pictures of people being active…just doing stuff…they always inspired/inspires me …runners, biking, skate boarding, roller blading….I always made sure the people were so far away and that there was no way to identify who they were, but even then, after a while I just felt uncomfortable doing that

I’m probably the only person on the planet that hates using my iPhone as my camera….I like a camera that’s a camera..I have a small Nikon that’s so easy to do…I can just aim and shoot with one hand…no need to open an app….but…..the camera looks like a camera, obvious, where the phone, I may be texting someone, or I could be taking a picture, right….?

The problem I have too, is like to take pix while I’m on my bike and just instant and randomly, with the phone it takes a while….like this was just aim and shoot

As well as trying to rebuild myself, a lot of this is about looking back….and I’m realzing the biggest difference between analog and digital….when that harddrive dies, there goes those pix…analog you have the picture….you own it…I recently threw out a huge number of negatives, but still have some, and some slides….and because with analog you only had so many pix you could take, you had to be sure and take the time to get that picture, with digital, tons of the same…..

anyway, to sun’s out, women’s hockey is on TV, a run should happen sometime later today….but a quiet relaxing day going through some history

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