A great day of days….I feel sooo good. and yep, day 95 of 2024….

This is one of those days when my head finally wakes up and says those words, ‘why not?’

Started out with a trip to my GYM……actually during the drive.

‘I’m retired, why on earth am I speeding and driving like I need to be in hurry for anything?’

So I kicked back, sipped my coffee, listened to the radio and took my time.

The GYM was perfect, not busy at all, there were a few people, but there’s enough equipment and options that I was able to get my workout in and more…finished off with a great blueberry smoothy.

It felt soooo good, and I love being back in the gym..social, a good mix of people, relaxed and the workout felt so good….and yeah, solar panels on the roof……how cool is that!

I decided today was a shopping day……again, I’m always in a rush..what the heck, it was maybe 10:30, I had no place I had to be, so off to the great West Edmonton Mall…..

I’m not a fan of shopping, but, well I like Lululemon’s stuff, and not a lot of options.

I spent some time just walking around and looking…the Mall’s a weird mix of stores..lots and lots of high end stuff ….Tiffany’s even…….and some lower end, but looking at the shoppers was a weird vibe…lots of people that in no way would ever walk into a Michael Kors…more likely at home in an Old Navy or WalMart…….some others for sure, and they make walking into Banana Republic comfortable, but the vibe, and yes, a few that looked like gang members, the ‘hood….there’s been a few shootings in that mall…..

Maybe it was because I hadn’t shopped there for a while (I’m usually only in there for Christmas shopping) but felt really uncomfortable….and it’s a weird comparrison….I once got lost walking around Stamford Connecticut, and ended up in, well, the African American end of town….there I felt totally comfortable, and maybe as a hick from Canada I didn’t notice, until I thought about it afterwards, I was the only white guy…my sister who lived there pointed that out to me….a couple of other days later I went back…..and the same feeling, okay…..I can’t remember the place I ate, but the best food ever…and loved it…

West Edmonton Mall…that felt like I was in the ‘hood, if you get what I’m saying…

I made my way home, kicked back for a bit, and then headed out for a short 5K run…and though it was a bit of a struggle, it felt right…I needed that…

I’m still trying to do that one a day thing, running every second day so I’m rested and recovered, but I needed to get outside, and I didn’t think I walk would do it….maybe I’ll walk tomorrow.

Okay the worst picture ever…..but well, my fat face……..and yes a toque, I wore gloves, well, because winter’s sort of back……..just 5K, nothing quick, but just getting outside, it’s like an elixer…better than that two glasses of red wine…..

I have to say, I’m feeling everything that’s included with being 65 (and 95 days)…..but, in some ways I feel so good.

Tomorrrow’s supposed to be a day if rest, and I may try and recover…some daily life things to do, car serviced, visit the parents in their new place….make dinner……and maybe walk.

I feel good though, I finished off March in a good space, and have begun April 2024 on the right foot..and hopefully on the right knees..

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