Remembering me…..

yep, a day off house work, and then going throw old clippings; my life as a freelancer…

I honestly don’t remember this interview or writing this piece…but have crossed paths with Grant Lawrence quite a few times back in my life when writing, doing some TV was my life…….I’m just going through his book

and honestly it’s bringing back a lof of memories of that time and those days….so many many bands, so many live gigs, some great, some fun, some excruciating, but yeah, lots of fun……

I think I have a goal now, digging through the archives, what I have…I don’t think I saved everything, and I did just throw out about a thousand cassettes full of interviews, I have some on VHS tapes, have no idea how I copy those, or even watch them…..but can I fit everything into a book…..maybe…..

There were a lot of interviews..and reviews, and a lot of life, just a little over a decade really….some were interesting and amazing….some were wth acts no one else ever heard pf and have fallen into the abyss of history……I was going to say rock and roll and punk new wave DIY history….but it wnet beyond that sometimes……like this

The subject wasn’t the most interesting part of this piece, but it was huge, a jazz singer that blew me away, I don’t remember the day this was published, but remember the day of the interview well…..I was here in St Albert, Allyson was in New Jersey, the day was September 12th 2001……the day after 9/11……I was surprised I got through on the phone even, after the terrifying of the day before…my sister was living in Stamford Conn. at the time, and worked in NYC, and her office was in the Fashion District….so I’d spent a lot of the day before on the phone, cell phone (remembering that clamshell Samsung) tracking down the sister..she’d stayed home that day, and I somehow got her on her cell…..and I had a few music friends in, his office at Nettwerk Record’s office was really close to the WTC, and another who had a company called BeBop nearby as well……I had just been in both places in March/April in 2001….so lots of memories, but that interview was the best thing ever, I’d felt so calm after…

So now….do I catalogue, sort things into chronological order, and see what sparks a memory and scan everything……I don’t know or remember a lot of names..I wish I did…….actually, I just thought of something for tomorrow’s blog……

sorry to the Weavers, but I may just title everything, wasn’t that a time….

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