Game of Thrones? Jodie Foster = Bad Ass!

Yep, watched Nyad yesterday evening…..I will watch it amazing story, but two of my fave all time actresses…..

Annette Benning and Jodie Foster……and they still are…

I’ve had a crush on Benning since I saw her in Grifters decades ago….

and the years have kept her great…like Diane Keaton or yes, Jodie Foster

wow….has she grown up in front of our eyes?…remember her in Taxi Driver?……

I like watching and rewatching shows that I like……..this is one of amazing story, about a swimmer struggling to swim from Cuba to Key West…the first person to do so, and she did it at age 64, after 5 tries……I love her story and her quote, I think it goes, ‘you’re never too old to follow your dreams.’

I think Nyad’s friendship with friend and eventually coach Bonnie Stoll (played by Foster) is interesting. There are a lot of buddy movies/bios featuring female friends…I know there are some featuring male bonding…but talking to friends, there seems to always be that connection….men are always a bit distant or willing to share with male friends……and I can speak to best friends, ones I’ve always trusted more have been female…..yes you can be just a friend…..I wonder if that’s just my observation or is there something to that

So will rewatch…but decided today to re do the Game of Thrones…it’s been about a year….it’s a huge commitment….that series takes a huge commitment…the first time, it took me I think 3 times to get past the first episode, but once I was in, I was in…….I came on board well after it began, but that first time I was like everyone else waiting for those final episodes of the final season..and liked the way it ended..I know many didn’t..but I’ve always been different than everyone else..I liked the endings of Lost, and Battleship Galactica….they made sense…

Winter’s coming, so I guess I’ll have time……

Weird thing about Benning…yeah, back to her

Yeah, that’s me at Death Race in Grande Cache in I think 2007…..getting ready to take on Leg 5…..with my team mate Kim….who I always thought was a dead ringer to Benning?………

anyway, back to watching CFL Football…and then, maybe GoT


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