I’m seriously not doing good.

Four years ago, on November 25th 2019, I fell on the back of my head.

I’ve told this story before, and probably often. I was out for a run, on my own, with no ID, didn’t tell anyone where I was headed, I slipped, figured out later that I’d knocked myself out, ended up with a concussion and a fracured skull…..

I wasn’t doing all that great before that, but since…..I notice a lot of things.

If you follow my blog, or anything I write, I have to re-read and re-read a lot because I miss things…words, my spelling isn’t the great …… I notice that more and more…..is that a result?

The crack did heal, but….well, what about what’s on the inside?

The original CT scan said that there was no damage to my brain, no leak of spinal fluid…but still I wonder.

I do have headaches, wake up with them, throughout the day at times…

I’ve never been the most gregarious person around, but lately I feel stuck….social anxiety?…..but so often my couch, my TV, this lap top have become my best friends……I like being out and about, but getting out the door to do that takes almost a super human effort now……

I’ve given up running. I just cannot get my butt out the door on a regular basis….so, yeah, December, I’m walking away from being active……..giving up the fight…..

For me right now it seems to be the season to be miserable…..

This blog was supposed to be all about me getting back to being me….I’m not sure what that is anymore……

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