my year at 65….and 54 days so far..

Yeah I’ve got a lot of hair…..but well, it hides the grey and the bald spot.

This felt good….I was taking it easy,

I’ve been thinking a lot about this being 65, especially during the run…in the past few days I’ve heard, ‘good for you, you’re still running at your age,’ and, ‘it’s amazing you can remember all those routes.

I kept this to myself, but yeah , ‘f you!’ I’m not dead….

I do feel a few things, and it hasn’t been sudden things, just things that have snuck up on me gradually…the leg turn overs aren’t as quick, the ability to catch up or keep up with the quicker members of our group doesn’t really happen….but, I can still move and I don’t feel 65…not that I have any idea what 65 is supposed to feel like…or look like…

I love playing around with route..which sometimes make my Wednesday evening group kind of an adventure for all……but I get bored quickly doing the same old same old……

It does feel so good to get the Yak Trax off of my On Cloud Surfers they don’t worse for wearing the traction, and are back to feeling so light and supportive and just perfect…the fit is just right, and well, I felt like a bird today (a puffin?)…..

so 54 days into my 65th year……I feel okay, I had a bit of a two week detour, but I feel like I am back on track, and aiming at a good year…..that Vancouver Half Marathon will happen….

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