day 81 +65 years. all begins well with snow!

Woke…yeah this morning I was woke!…..opened the draps and, yep, the first day of spring, inches and inches of snow..!

After getting my daughter to start her day with laundry, and she took the recycling out the garage, I got the snow blower fired up. I thought I was done with the stuff, but it was enjoyable….I kind of like clearing snow, shoveling – because some parts of my house/driveway and the neighbor’s how aren’t such that I can use the blower, and some days, I just like to use the shovel…both ways, there is some fitness is involved, but there’s something about looking outside with a coffee in my hand, making breakfast, and seeing the work that was done…..satisfying….

I guess I could say the same thing about laundry……even though my daughter and my son started it, it’s dad’s job to finish……

For some reason when a begins like today, the rest of the day just seems better….and for some reason I can’t stop moving my legs…

This afternoon I headed back into the gym, the Sturgeon Valley Athletic Club, to pump some of that iron…lol…..I’ve got no body strength but I try. and weight training does two things for me…keeps the injury bug away….and seems to fix any sore spots I have..a sore knee is cured by a few leg presses…

I seem to have stumbled into a routine that works for me…….run every second day, and on those off days, do something like today…strength. It doesn’t really work perfectly, I always have to run with my run club group Wednesdays, but it’s the goal…and I love the club.

The routine I copied from an old copy of Outside Magazine that Triathlete superstar put together….I like that it uses the whole body in one workout…bounces from upper to lower body….and is simple to follow and gives options…..

We Won’t Let Him Hurt You (

leg press, inclined bench press, leg extention, lat pulldowns, leg curls, seated rows, calve raises, shoulder press, hyperextentions, bench press, upright rows, side lats, db pullovers, tri pushdown, db curls…..3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each…..

I’m trying twice, if i can 3 times a week..and just keeping that connection to the gym….

It’s a comfortable place..when I got there just before noon…lots of cars in the parking lot, but that was because of the classes they have..I have taken part in spin classes there that are amazing..but that all costs extra, and once the sun comes out and this snow is all gone, I’ll be riding on the roads….outside…..

There is a nice cross section of people using the club…seniors like me who like it laid back and quiet….youths, some heavier lifters, but none of the swearing and grunting that you hear in some gyms….social and friendly…I like that……

This year I spent a lot of time trying to find my gym…there’s one other I love in Edmonton’s river valley….the Kinsmen Sport Centre..but it’s a 20K drive one way, I will still head there to use the river valley trails and their pool….but I’ll just pay the drop in…I like that SVAC is a 10 minute drive away from home….so I’m more likely to use it more often…and they have smoothies to die for…

It’s been a great week….so far. I know I need a rest day, but being active, staying active….nothing feels better.

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