A Good Day……and enjoy life? day 93 of 2024.

Maybe my future ride?

Began the day in the gym, went well, set the tone for the day.

Love my gym, even more now that the Spring Break kids are all gone…now it’s a quiet gym, and a good place to be…

I think I’ve hot on a pretty good routine..a little unconventional, and bouncing back and forth from upper and lower body….but it works for me….3 sets, 12-15 reps…building endurance rather than power..

Lat Pulldown, Leg Curl, DB bench, Leg extension, DB pullover, incline DB press, DB Curls, DB side lats, leg press/squats, calve raises, tri pushdowns, upright rows..then abs and hyperextentions…..

Doesn’t take forever to do, I’m in, out, and gone.

Hit the grocery store so I could make an awesome Bolognese Sauce…..I don’t know why I do this, but qwhen it’s dad’s job to cook, my approach to pasta sauces is to make them almost a meal onto themselves..this was no different. There’s the recipe, and well, then there’s mushrooms, veggies…and lots of leftovers.

I had planned to run at some point today, but, life and I’ve made a conscious decision to stick to 1 activity a day, and if there’s time and of the planets align, maybe something else…so strength training good, not sweating over what wasn’t done on the to do list, I’m okay with….looking at the long term.

I’ve been watching this interview over and over again….Kara Goucher’s book in next on my book shelf. I do know the story, and I, like everyone else, am learning over and over of female athletes being fucked over (sorry not sorry about using that word) … NIke? Bad press is not going to hurt them at all, but that doesn’t mean I have to give them my money……Lauren Fleshman’s Good for a Girl reinforced the nonsense that female athletes go through. Yeah I know some men as well, but, well, men don’t get pregnant..but even Des Linden’s story isn’t all a flower garden right?…..how do people in these companies, and coaches not know this stuff is wrong?

Anyway, getting into a series I hadn’t seen before, Wynonna Earp, something new, and feeling okay…

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