I’d nothing to do today. yet I’m stressed?

Yeah, guity, I’m a Betty Boop fan……forever….even as a kid who at the age when I first saw an image, I should not have become obsessed, but then I did kiss a girl in first grade….pretty close to the first day.

Anyway, today, nothing really to do. woke up really sick. sore throat, a throat full of phlegm (where’d that come from?)……the throat so dry, a lite of water didn’t seem to help…..and then my day…

waffles for the kid, which she at some point she didn’t want…..the usual oatmeal with brown sugar, a banana and almond milk for her dad….washing dishes..then two loads of laundry….

when I’m ill, my go to is to clean everything…laundry, scrum throw out that toothbrush, all towels in the house head for the laundry room……has always been my go to cure..and making my own version of tomato soup….

2 cans of chicken broth, 2 cans of tomato soup (with luck, one of those cans would be tomato bisque) a large can of chopped tomatos, celery, carrots, a red pepper, nutmeg, salt, pepper, sugar, tomato cocktail, and cooked pasta….always works, I could eat it forever…..

But then a ton of dishes and time to get ready for dinner, finish the laundry later to go and ….I made a how-to YouTube video for my son….how to do laundry…cause I thought he needed it…cause as usual, I was doing his laundry…he knows how to carry it into the laundry room, just after that he’s a little confused.

The stress is my life as a race director…that’s a huge part of my daily life..

I’ve decided to go a little bigger this year..a medal and a toque….with a new start start/finish line…a new route, and with about $4,000 in costs without any sponsors (yet) I’m taking a huge bit out of this gig.

And then, my parents moving into assisted living……they finally sold their home, my childhood home, and well, a huge change for them, and a lot of phone calls to me, and more than a few visits….

This is what get’s me on the otherside of being healthy…stress…for me, it’s not a virus, or whatever, it’s stress, the more stressed, the quicker I get sick……and yep, now to try and get well before the Sunday morning run club run…

Today was my turn to make dinner…so the stress of trying a new recipe…..and vegetarian with lots of veggies and tofu…it turned out okay..

Of course my kids wanted nothing to do with my dish…to KD for one, deep fried fish for the other….so more stress…

I’m a little more relaxed right now – to a point – catching up on tv……..

Watching a bio on Amazon Prime….the story of Hugh Hefner.

I was born in 1959, so yeah, Playboy was born not long before me, and I can’t say I never looked….

I do know the story, but growing up in the 60s, the swinging 60s, Playboy was thought as cool….and for a while didn’t seem crude or horrible, and yes I read the articles….he brought black performers to the forefront before anyone…..Aretha, Ray Charles, Nat King Cole, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis….actually political activists, Malcolm X…..and cutting edge, Steve Jobs, Allan Ginsburg to name two….and yeah nude women, and his story evetually gets awful….and at the end, he seems to be a lonely old creepy man….but a success beyond who knew?

To me he seems a lot like other successes, right now I’m thinking of Lululemon creator Chip Wilson.

Wilson has said a few things he shouldn’t have (like our clothes arn’t for everyone)….or said them badly (the complete quote, and story? Customers were buying the black stretchy yoga tights one or two sizes too small thinking they were just like spanks. and then compained when they start to pill. so he was kind of right, Just didn’t have the media know how he needed)……..but I will say when I was managing my Running Room store, I tried to follow some of his philosophy…. the value of the sales staff, doing what you say you were going to do, be open to change, honesty)…….

I always wonder how and where this vision comes from…..Hefner, Wilson, Gates, Jobs…the right place, the right time ..I mean yoga, yoga pants in 1998….I first noticed him when he had a store called West Beach in Vancouver back in about 1995…how’d he know..and Wilson took risks…I still remember when he opened a store on Robson Street in Vancouver, and offered to dress the first I think 30 customers from top to bottom that showed up nude…….and this is Vancouver, home to the Wreck Beach nude beach….and of course people, young women did……but who knew?

Virgin or Nettwerk records…..who knew how amazing and succesful Sarah McLachlan was going to be?….the founder of Nettwerk, Terry McBride did?…..ITunes?…….

Anyway, time to put the laptop away, kick back, drink tea, maybe red wine, and enjoy being retired and 65…..

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