old. sick. ill. allergies? or just old?

This happens way too often, but when I think of it, I’m susceptible to just about anything….if it’s cold and flu season, I get it…..as soon as the snow melts, pollen flies, snow mold appears, I get sick.

I know, I know, I don’t always look after myself the best…not a lot of sleep, over doing things, forcing me to do everything all the time, and then, well, I get sick..I’m a sickly guy.

I just looked through my training logs, and like clockwork, spring..usually a bit later into spring, but April and May, this hits me. It dosn’t seem to matter what I do, or take, like Christmas, this happens every year….so it shouldn’t be a surprise, but it is….kind of…and as frustraiting as it is..I know what I have to do…sit, relax, lots of fluids…I know which antihistamines work, and yes, I also need to pay attention to not over doing that….way too often I overdose, which doesn’t help…

I won’t do a lot for the next few days…some outside time – it helps the heart and head, even though, telling someone with my allergies to go get a breath of fresh air is like asking me to get a pet dog, it helps the head, but the allergens are out there…but, I have my glasses, and I will head outside soon to check out that eclipse, – apparently in 53 minutes…..and to just check out the birds, our bird feeder, it’s been busy….and just get a few minutes of sunshine time…

what do you readers/bloggers do when under the weather?

Last week was great, active every day, doing lots of different stuff, so this past weekend and today has been frustraiting, but, well, I’ll take a few days off, watch a lot of Netflix and Amazon Prime….and yeah, get the taxes done…just because…..I’m watching this right now..inspiring…kids, running, as a prescription for mental health…..inspiring, and maybe, just maybe…tomorrow I’ll start again

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