An Okay Day……..and fire season has begun….

Yep, April 22nd, and forest fire season is here….there’s fires already all over western Canada…this is going to be a horrible summer…..

Managed a pretty okay 6K this morning….not too fast, but felt good to get out and get it done….felt better done then at the start…but a good way to begin a Monday..

When I woke up I wasn’t even sure if i’d even get out…..a rough night’s sleep, and didn’t feel like I had a run in me…but it was on the schedule.

It was a route I’ve done before, a million times maybe…..and I like the starting spot. And if I drive there, I’m definitley going to run.

There’s flat parts, a good climb, and it was a beautiful sunny day…

A run always feels good…….and the best run is a run, the worst run is the one you didn’t do right?

Legs felt really tired, for some reason it doesn’t feel like I’m recovering between runs, maybe….

Such a great day out, I had to get the bike out for a quick spin….the good old mountain bike….just a short 30 minute spin through the ‘hood, but felt so good…windy, but good….there’s a lot of sand and gravel on the roads, but on the mtn bike was safe….not ready for the skinny tire tri bike yet….but felt so good to get out for that spin.

The hot dry weather has me concerned, along with everone else…some smaller communities have evactuation orders on April….it was +17C today, again in April….

Last year was bad..lots of ash and smoke covering most of North America….managed to run and bike throughout, but right now too, a water shortage……..

Better strike up the air conditioners..

Oh yeah…did an on-line clinic thing tonight that was a bit of a challenge……tonight attempted Facebook live instead of Zoom, was an adventure………..for some reason couldn’t get the live part to connect for some reason, Facebook Live doesn’t seem to work on my laptop, so ended up using the Iphone…..

it finally worked………..

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