A run for my mental health

After a frustraiting morning with my mom and ill dad..I really needed this.

My dad is generally an angry man that has to always be in charge…and even more so ever since his health took a right turn a few years ago….and now, a but of dimentia, a refusal to upgrade his hearing aids, so yeah, he can’t hear, he doesn’t understand what he hears or cannot hear….and he actually believes that the world shoud revolve around him… alone, and his concern for anyone else just doesn’t happen….

After two months in a hospital, or make that hospitals…which was actually yet another war…..

I know it sounds bad, but he is my dad, and there’s a certain amount of responsibility, but a lot of the time, I really don’t want anything to do with him….everything, everything is a fight…

How’s this for a KODAK moment….I took on the Canadian Ironman Triathlon in 2009, and 2010….when I pointed out to him what I’d accomplished, ‘no you didn’t.’………so yep…not a warm fuzzy feeling..

My mom’s sort has some of that…not the anger thing, but having to be in charge…I wonder if that’s why I am the way I am….let others lead, I don’t have to be that Atype personality in the room…

I don’t normally run after or at lunch time….later in the evening with a group is okay, morning is my time…..but today..I had to be at the old home, a visit from someone from health care that started a fight and even more really awful moments….

So yeah, I needed this

It was just about 5.71K…which seems like my go to distance now for a run like this…..but today I seriously needed this…

And new shoes…..On Cloud Surfer….they felt, well, different….

Soft, lots of cushioning…and bouncy….at first, just starting they felt like they had that Hoka mid foot rocker….and light, really light….that’s become my theme of late, getting rid of the winter shoes has seemed to have helped to speed me up…..by about half a minute almost….so good…actually great

My issue right now seems to be endurance…….just edging towards and beyond 10K has become a challenge….it has just become about being away from home for too long?

I don’t look happy do I?

So tonight…lots of wine, a few movies on Netflix or whatever…tomorrow’s another day….

A clinic morning with my Learn to Run/5K folks….that usually perks me up.

It’s Boston Marathon weekend…..so I can follow that along, I need to run, get the bike out for the first time this year….and plan for the week…and to hope for the best

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