Mind over Marathon….

I just watched this, and inspiring…..so true?…..yes, I was pretty happy during my life of marathnons….

I’ve only run 9….I want to do number 10, just not sure when..or if?

Can I, should I?…..watching this BBC documentry had me thinking maybe….I’m 6 months from turning 65….which is a concern…..and where?

Yes, I’ve watched Run Fat Boy Run

which was okay, maybe motivation…though, well, fiction….yeah, you run a marathon and your life changes to amazing…not really…

And of course Brittney Runs and Marathon

There are others, and yes, if it has the word Running in it, or marathon I have to watch…..

My last full marathon was a while ago, 2015….and it wasn’t all that fanatastic, but was done….I’ve run them in Edmonton (3 times) Victoria (4) Vancouver, Kelowna and New York City, my quickest 4:04:55, the slowest was 5:11:52…..and I was a lot younger….so, 8 years since my last (I don’t have any pix) my first two were 25 years ago in 1998…..before I turned 40….

The plan right now is the Edmonton Half Marathon on August 20th…..and I think depending on how the summer goes, and that race, I’ll decide then on the full, maybe Victoria on October 8th….I’m registered for the half there right now, but, well, I’m going to sleep on that…..at least I know the course….

I’m roughly 18 weeks away…..so, week by week, day by day….

Also, I’ll be spending the summer instructing a half/full marathon clinic….so hopefully that’s keep me motivated and inspired as I try to inspire and motivate others…..

Onward and upward…

You know what really sucks, I do not have a lot of pictures from those marathons, and none of the first 3 that I ran…..not sure why that is…

I do have the bibs

And at least part of a t-shirt…

I’m not sure why I don’t have picture of my last…but lots of others

I’m not going to worry about speed, I’ll just try and get it done….I do have a training plan for 18 weeks, who knows, maybe I’ll stick to it…I’m famous for not doing that….I like doing a lot of other stuff, biking and swimming..and family life is kind of consuming….but I think I’ve had an epiphany, keep things, do one thing at a time…..keep things simple and easy and just focus on one thing at a time, day by day….

18 weeks actually starts this Sunday, June 3rd….so, I’ll spend the weekend figuring out day by day, my training days, my rest days….My Sunday long runs are going to be an issue, life just makes Sunday too busy, so may have to improvise and do some long runs on Saturdays, or more likely Mondays…..

day by day

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